About us
The Downley Gardening Society (DGS) is a long-established group for local people who are interested in looking after and improving their own gardens or enjoy finding out about the beautiful gardens around the UK.

Downley Horticultural Society, as it was originally called, was formed during the 1939-1945 war. At that time it concentrated on produce shows together with lectures and film shows which helped to provide a social heart to the village. Today the Society continues the spirit of those early days with an interesting programme of horticultural activities.
Meetings are held at St James's Church Hall on the third Monday of the month from October to May. Each meeting starts at 7.30pm and lasts for about 2 hours. Over the past year we have had some meetings using Zoom. We welcome an experienced speaker with subjects covering a range of gardening topics, natural and local history and native flora and fauna.
Each year we hold a well-stocked plant sale at Downley Day in June.
We organise local trips and outings to notable gardens, hold an annual show in September and produce a monthly newsletter with information about forthcoming events, tips and ideas. Last year we had several guided walks to discover what treasures our local countryside holds.
You are welcome to come along to one of our meetings to see if you would like to join us!

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